Increase the use of natural sugars
Another great trick to help control your cravings. Just make sure you aren’t consuming unhealthy foods. Don’t eat soda or candy as well as fruit, vegetables or meat. It doesn’t really matter if you have a sweet tooth since most of those calories are absorbed by the gut. Instead you should aim for better sources of fiber like whole grains, legumes and nuts. Try adding spices to your favorite dishes and salads.
Don’t drink and drive
Another way to improve your overall health and weight loss process is through cutting back on how often you go out and eat. Although studies suggest there is no need to deprive yourself of food to lose weight, drinking and driving is absolutely unacceptable in any case. You don’t want to get stuck in the endless loop of calorie counting and be tempted to crash at any point of your night or you might end up giving your body a dangerous dose of insulin spikes which can lead to unwanted weights gain. Also avoid processed foods like chips, cakes and brownies because they contain artificial preservatives which might harm your digestion and keep you feeling full which isn’t what you want.
Exercise daily
This may seem obvious and I can’t even begin to tell the difference between being fit and having a flat stomach in just 20 minutes. However, studies have shown that exercise can burn about 200 calories per hour and burns through up to 1,000 calories a week. Even 2 days of walking burns an extra 25-40 calories, depending on your goal. So it’s definitely worth it to get moving.
Eat nutritious fats
Healthy fats from fish, olive oil, avocado, nut butter, chicken, eggs, cheese and dairy have been proven to lower bad cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol levels. Furthermore, these fats are also linked to reducing cholesterol levels and keeping them away from your arteries. A diet rich with healthy fats promotes regular heartbeats in your lower limbs and heart muscle. Additionally, a low protein diet increases production of hormones that promote good cholesterol synthesis and helps to regulate blood lipids where everything else is equal or balanced.
Eat smaller portions
One more thing to take into account is how large portions we eat every day. There are a few reasons behind it and it makes sense that most people don't eat until they are full. In fact 70% of people who eat larger than they need believe their stomachs will explode soon. That’s why it’s recommended to eat small amounts of good foods every day so you don’t end up eating far later than necessary. Avoid foods high in carbs such as pasta, rice and potatoes because they are prone to making us feel full and also cause bloating and constipation. If you feel bloated after a decent meal then check out these 10 Foods Most People Ignore While Eating When They’re Hungry.